ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
Hérésia / Ascrea Player
Re.Xted GhoST Player
Sir Crawling Oyster Player PXy #Recrute Player
'Sad'Rayd left the Team
STARSLINE Diиa` left the Team
iCrew Kam left the Team
HS / Nainper left the Team
HS / Fun changed name to HS / Fun
HS / £000Fun changed name to HS / Fun
HS / Fun changed name to HS / £000Fun
HS Fun changed name to HS / Fun
Hs Fun changed name to HS Fun
Hs Fun received 13th Place in the Paragon Siege Cup #6
Hs Fun signed up for the Paragon Siege Cup #6
Sir Crawling Oyster joined the Team
Hs Fun received 9th Place in the Paragon Siege Cup #5
Hs Fun signed up for the Paragon Siege Cup #5
[i]Crew² | PrøXy joined the Team
[i]Crew | Kam Live joined the Team
[i]Crew | GhoST recrute joined the Team
[i]Crew² | Diиa! joined the Team
HS / Ascrea joined the Team
HS / Nainper joined the Team
Hs Fun got registered by HS / Rayden