ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
|40.078u| calcium guerro Player
Λtría ɀıצx Player
|40.078u| calcium Khaos Player
Λtría ɀıצx joined the Team
Λtría ɀıצx left the Team
Λtría ɀıצx joined the Team
Λtría ɀıצx left the Team
Λtría ɀıצx joined the Team
Λtría ɀıצx left the Team
Λtría ɀıצx joined the Team
Λtría ɀıצx left the Team
Λtría ɀıצx joined the Team
Λtría ɀıצx left the Team
guerro joined the Team
Λtría LittleKhaos joined the Team
Team 8 Combo got registered by Λtría ɀıצx