ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
BaKa | Alex Creator
®﹄EZ3kiel Admin
®Picoleur Player
®﹄Le Flib Player
Claws | CarryBoo Player
NOMAD ZykleS Player
Ľѷҳ π©ÔĽEuЯ got set to not playing by Creator Ľĵš AleX
Ľѷҳ flibalfa got set to not playing by Creator Ľĵš AleX
OGCTWO received 9th Place in the Paragon Elite Practice Cup #76
Ľѷҳ π©ÔĽEuЯ joined the Team
Ľĵš AleX got set to playing by Creator Ľĵš AleX
Ľѷҳ flibalfa joined the Team
Ľѷҳ EZ3kiel ヅ got set to not playing by Creator Ľĵš AleX
Ľѷҳ «Echo» got set to not playing by Creator Ľĵš AleX
Ľtĵ «Exo7 » joined the Team
Ľĵš EZ3kiel ヅ gained the Admin status by Creator Ľĵš AleC
Ľĵš «ZykLes» got set to not playing by Creator Ľĵš AleC
Ľĵš EZ3kiel ヅ joined the Team
Ľĵš AleC got set to not playing by Creator Ľĵš AleC
OGCTWO received 9th Place in the Paragon Combo Winter Series #12
Ľĵš «ZykLes» joined the Team
OGCTWO got registered by Ľĵš AleC