Queenै ρ joined the Team
RaNDoM eFFecT got removed from the Team by Admin ρ»ombo Luké
RaNDoM eFFecT joined the Team
ζѻア॥ Đmαяκ joined the Team
ρolar.wellef joined the Team
ρ»ombo Luké got set to not playing by Admin ρ»ombo Luké
ρ»Joैcy left the Team
ρ»Joैcy joined the Team
ρ»Joैcy left the Team
ρ.Jaииi" joined the Team
ρ»ӻιrॆe.3r1c5n joined the Team
ρ.LīnҠeγla TV joined the Team
ρ»Joैcy got set to not playing by Player ρ»Joैcy
ρ»magīc Luké gained the Admin status by Player ρ»Joैcy
ρ»D1amond»Aluminium -¦- got set to not playing by Creator ρ»magīc Luké
ѡѳғ | Juniiii #JballZ left the Team
wellefant joined the Team
ѡѳғ | Juniiii #JballZ joined the Team
ρ»Joैcy [Admin] joined the Team
ρ»Έlegaηce єlємєηтαяy! joined the Team
ρ.szèηtsas_ STREAM got removed from the Team by Creator ρ»magīc Luké