ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
Lorian Creator
khalid Admin
LosTacosFuertes Hayabusa Player
Hopestackle Player
dmtrc miaou Player
unιτ Waize Player
B☆s Hidro Player
Gami Player
unιτ Nini Player

EPS 2 Qualifier #2 by Paragon Place: 5

Cup Info
?PR? vs -- Freewin
?PR? vs CRUNk! 0 : 2
?PR? vs -- Freewin
WOLF vs ?PR? 0 : 1
?PR? vs Elite.Lunar 0 : 1
?PR? received 1st Place in the Paragon Elite Spring Cup 2022 #14
unιτ Lian signed ?PR? up for the Paragon Elite Spring Cup 2022 #14
unιτ Nini joined the Team
?PR? received 7th Place in the Paragon Elite Spring Cup 2022 #10
unιτ Lian signed ?PR? up for the Paragon Elite Spring Cup 2022 #10
Owned Hopestackle joined the Team
KowL Hidrǿ joined the Team
?PR? received 4th Place in the Paragon Elite Spring Cup 2022 #8
?PR? received 5th Place in the EPS 2 Qualifier #2 by Paragon
OZ changed name to ?PR?
OZ received 5th Place in the Paragon Elite Spring 2022 #4
Gami joined the Team
OZ received 2nd Place in the Paragon Elite Spring 2022 #1
waize joined the Team
OZ received 4th Place in the Elite Paragon Training #14
OZ received 7th Place in the Elite Paragon Training #12
OZ changed name to OZ
OZ changed name to OZ
OZ changed name to OZ
OZ changed name to OZ
runtz changed name to OZ
Lina signed runtz up for the Elite Paragon Training #12
runtz received 4th Place in the Elite Paragon Training #10
runtz changed name to runtz
Runtz changed name to runtz
plug changed name to Runtz
Lina signed plug up for the Elite Paragon Training #10
plug received 9th Place in the Elite Series Paragon #8
®﹄Hayabusa joined the Team
Khalid gained the Admin status by Creator Lina
miaou got set to playing by Creator Lina
miaou got set to not playing by Creator Lina
plug received 7th Place in the Elite Series Paragon #5
plug changed name to plug
plug Lina signed plug up for the Elite Series Paragon #5
Khalid joined the Team
Miaou 13♥ joined the Team
Cambodia changed name to plug
Cambodia got registered by Cambodia Lina