ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
Savage! Smörgåsgurka Player
Lorian Player
loud pix Player
®Scαy Player
Volt' Player
shadz milana Player
b0bowOw~ Player
aexod' Player
Hernia » Buttscope* Player
Skillgen々 Emma Player
Irae. ChairTic Player
Δir-Ho elchiki Player
unιτ Waize Player
Astiii Player
B☆s Khalid Player
Melo Player
mikjoa Player
khalid Player
Elıגƶ Player
Jester^ Player
2night Minoob° Player
liber Player
Ph3noM Player
eRu^ Player
▷◁ opje Player
Tourmoz Banned
TSunny alfa Player
WOLF - Joel Player
Λtría ĸhαss' Player
PRAY4 Ekinox Player
<VEX> DerDragonhunter Player
Alexio is gly Player
Mai Waifu Player
Gami Player
LosTacosFuertes Hayabusa Player
Bozzo Player

EPS 2 Qualifier #4 by Paragon Place: 4

Cup Info
WOLF vs Power Rangers 0 : 2
Karma Clan vs Power Rangers 2 : 1
Mixy' vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
SFD vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

EPS 2 Qualifier #3 by Paragon Place: 3

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs HorYJin 2 : 0
WOLF vs Power Rangers 2 : 1
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Les Jean Pierre vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs Karma Clan 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs HorYJin 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs Elite.Lunar 0 : 2

EPS 2 Qualifier #1 by Paragon Place: 7

Cup Info
Elite.Lunar vs Power Rangers 1 : 2
HorYJin vs Power Rangers 2 : 1
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Who? vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Spring 2022 #7 Place: 2

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs HorYJin 2 : 1
Power Rangers vs I'm stuck stepbro 1 : 2
ezmix vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
I'm stuck stepbro vs Power Rangers 2 : 1

Paragon Elite Spring 2022 #6 Place: 7

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs KowL 2 : 1
Aegartome vs Power Rangers 2 : 1
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
K9 vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Spring 2022 #5 Place: 2

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
WOLF vs Power Rangers 2 : 1
Technically Impeded vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs KowL 2 : 1
Power Rangers vs WOLF 1 : 0
Aegartome vs Power Rangers 2 : 0

Paragon Irae Combo League - F Place: 3

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs EASED Gaming 2 : 0
Aegartome vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
*Magikarp* vs Power Rangers 0 : 2
Irae Gaming vs Power Rangers 1 : 2
Power Rangers vs Little big 0 : 2

Elite Paragon Training #11 Place: 5

Cup Info
Unit Y vs Power Rangers 0 : 2
CRUNk! vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
WOLF vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Irae Combo League - Qualifier #1 Place: 4

Cup Info
*Magikarp* vs Power Rangers 0 : 2
Aegartome vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Garbage Bois vs Power Rangers 1 : 2
Power Rangers vs LOUD Esport 1 : 0
Irae Gaming vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Elite Paragon Training #9 Place: 3

Cup Info
K9 vs Power Rangers 2 : 1
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs Unit Y 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs K9 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs Legends only 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Cup #165 Place: 5

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs *ope¹²³ 1 : 0
® vs Power Rangers 1 : 2
Power Rangers vs DRUNk! 0 : 2
THC vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #141 Place: 2

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs THC 1 : 0
® vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
THC vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
® vs Power Rangers 2 : 0

Paragon Elite Cup #152 Place: 5

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs HighLandLions 0 : 2
THC vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs El Phénoméno 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs 2night eSport 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #139 Place: 2

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
® vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
Octocats vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs WOLF 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs ® 1 : 0
HighLandLions vs Power Rangers 2 : 0

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #138 Place: 1

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs HighLandLions 1 : 0
WOLF vs Power Rangers 1 : 2
Power Rangers vs Zero 35 2 : 0
Power Rangers vs िטNacre 2 : 1

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #137 Place: 3

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
WOLF vs Power Rangers 1 : 2
HighLandLions vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
WOLF vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Cup #149 Place: 7

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
RailBreak vs Power Rangers 2 : 1
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs ® 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Cup #148 Place: 3

Cup Info
WOLF vs Power Rangers 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs THC 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs ® 1 : 0
WOLF vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs 2night eSport 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Cup #120 Place: 5

Cup Info
® vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Parliament vs Power Rangers 0 : 2
WOLF vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
Redex vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Cup #119 Place: 3

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs BrainLess 1 : 0
WOLF vs Power Rangers 0 : 2
Power Rangers vs RailBreak 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs CRUNk! 0 : 2
Legends only vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Combo Cup #17 Place: 9

Cup Info
ρ»ombo vs Power Rangers 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs 404 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #100 Place: 7

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs Légumes Masqués 1 : 2
[Burning] vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs Speedboat 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #99 Place: 4

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs Speedboat 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs flying fishcake 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs ® 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs Makeba-Gaming- 1 : 0
WOLF vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Christmas Elite Cup 2016 Place: 5

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs OmiCron 2 : 0
WOLF vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
SHITMANIACS !! vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #98 Place: 5

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs aijri.exe- 1 : 0
Weary Devils vs Power Rangers 0 : 2
Power Rangers vs WOLF 1 : 2
aijri.exe- vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Cup #108 Place: 9

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs Zero 35 1 : 0
Legends only vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
K9 vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #97 Place: 7

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
WOLF vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
JUST FOR FUN vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs SHITMANIACS !! 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Cup #107 Place: 9

Cup Info
9876 vs Power Rangers 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs SHITMANIACS !! 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #96 Place: 3

Cup Info
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
K9 vs Power Rangers 0 : 2
SHITMANIACS !! vs Power Rangers 2 : 1
[Burning] vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Weary Devils vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs SHITMANIACS !! 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Cup #105 Place: 9

Cup Info
Faith vs Power Rangers 1 : 0
RNGBOYZ vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Power Rangers vs WOLF 0 : 1

Paragon Combo Cup #4 Place: 9

Cup Info
nutella Kitties vs Power Rangers 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs िטNacre 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #91 Place: 5

Cup Info
® vs Power Rangers 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs -- Freewin
Power Rangers vs WOLF 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs flying fishcake 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs Weary Devils 0 : 1

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #81 Place: 7

Cup Info
SMJ/n vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
SHITMANIACS !! vs Power Rangers 2 : 0
VGN vs Power Rangers 0 : 1
Imprévu vs Power Rangers 1 : 0

Paragon Elite Practice Cup #80 Place: 9

Cup Info
9876 vs Power Rangers 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs Echelon6 1 : 0
Power Rangers vs K9 0 : 1
Bozzo joined the Team
pdkr | lbr  joined the Team
pdkr | lbr  left the Team
pdkr | lbr  joined the Team
pdkr | lbr  left the Team
pdkr | lbr  joined the Team
Irae. ChairTic joined the Team
Savage! ΞΙιגs joined the Team
Power Rangers received 5th Place in the Elite Paragon Training #11
Lina joined the Team
Gami joined the Team
Power Rangers received 3rd Place in the Elite Paragon Training #9
Khalid joined the Team
Ekinox arf joined the Team
Power Rangers received 2nd Place in the Elite Paragon Training #8
TSunny alfa joined the Team
Aexod joined the Team
Vx left the Team
B☆s Hawk left the Team
HODL meuTeuVeu left the Team
JerK'z left the Team
Power Rangers received 7th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #181
eRu^ joined the Team
RIP.SM mTv joined the Team
Power Rangers received 5th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #165
EKO joined the Team
॥halid॥ joined the Team
Tropic. left the Team
butterjelly.Xye*** joined the Team
βraiη! Scαy joined the Team
JerK'z joined the Team
Power Rangers received 5th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #152
Astiii joined the Team
Astiii left the Team
ШS Nordy left the Team
ШS Nordy joined the Team
Jester^ joined the Team
2night Polak^ left the Team
2night Minoob° joined the Team
2night Polak^ joined the Team
Power Rangers received 7th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #149
les monster munch nous joined the Team
Fatkid joined the Team
Ützmürk Börkler joined the Team
Astiii joined the Team
Power Rangers received 3rd Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #148
Miaouuuuu joined the Team
Power Rangers received 5th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #138
acompte joined the Team
βrαiη! ĸhass^ joined the Team
Sραm» סζικιס left the Team
िט々Zeno left the Team
Power Rangers received 5th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #120
PiXeL joined the Team
Power Rangers received 2nd Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #119
िט々Zeno joined the Team
[287]Melody joined the Team
UhhLexio joined the Team
V.... joined the Team
V.... left the Team
Neuer #GER left the Team
Power Rangers received 9th Place in the Paragon Combo Cup #17
Δir-Ho waizebrow joined the Team
Δir-Ho waizebrow left the Team
Power Rangers received 9th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #108
[TnO] [HB] joined the Team
[UG] WKY Ph3noM joined the Team
[UG] WKY Ph3noM left the Team
Power Rangers received 9th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #107
Sasori joined the Team
Power Rangers received 9th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #105
Power Rangers received 9th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #103
Power Rangers received 13th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #102
Ħir-Ho elchiki joined the Team
Δir-Ho mila joined the Team
Power Rangers received 9th Place in the Paragon Combo Cup #4
WOLF - Joel joined the Team
Captain Noob ' joined the Team
[K-A] Nicolas joined the Team
wellplayedbot joined the Team
WKY Ph3noM joined the Team
<VEXel> DerDragonhunter joined the Team
kesla left the Team
kesla joined the Team
D1amond»Hayabusa -¦- joined the Team
Majestic.ה мƴкȷoa joined the Team
Sραm» Olikio joined the Team
ρ.V3nom'' left the Team
SkillGen Volt' joined the Team
SkillGen! Nosf left the Team
ρ.V3nom'' joined the Team
SkillGen! Nosf joined the Team
adix left the Team
*c²ฟ* ΛDX joined the Team