ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
XYZ JaииiX" Creator
Đmαяκ Player
pleb Player
¯|_(ツ)_/¯ Grrr Player
Elıגƶ Player
janfo Player
IVAN Player
Savage! Ansor Player
ilevelin//Æ Player
ζѻ¬ Gै२६ॆiिु Player
Savage! Goz'' Player
Savage! Smörgåsgurka Player
Q Player
ζѻвoηγ Player
XYZ RStyle Player

Paragon Speedball Spring 2022 #3 Place: 1

Cup Info
another one vs Aegartome 1 : 2
another one vs -- Freewin
another one vs Savage! Bulls 2 : 0
Aegartome vs another one 0 : 2

Paragon Speedball Winter 2022 #4 Place: 3

Cup Info
another one vs -- Freewin
The BIGGER team vs another one 2 : 1
Biggest Big Team vs another one 0 : 2
another one vs sbteam 2 : 1
another one vs The BIGGER team 1 : 2
another one received 2nd Place in the Paragon Speedball Cup #71
ζѻвoηγ joined the Team
¯|_(ツ)_/¯ Grrr got set to not playing by Creator XYZ JaииiX"
¯|_(ツ)_/¯ Grrr joined the Team
Savage! Goz'' got set to not playing by Creator XYZ JaииiX"
XYZ RStyle got set to not playing by Creator XYZ JaииiX"
llllllll ilevelin got set to not playing by Creator XYZ JaииiX"
Ansor joined the Team
llllllll ilevelin joined the Team
Elias got set to playing by Player Elias
ρ.Jaииi" #newmousepad signed another one out for the Paragon Speedball Spring 2022 #7
ρ.Jaииi" #newmousepad signed another one up for the Paragon Speedball Spring 2022 #7
ρ.Jaииi" signed another one up for the Paragon Speedball Spring 2022 #3
dignity/pleb joined the Team
ΞΙιגs got set to playing by Player ΞΙιגs
ΞΙιגs got set to not playing by Player ΞΙιגs
ρ.Jaииi" signed another one up for the Paragon Speedball Winter 2022 #11
ΞΙιגs joined the Team
unιτ мarsט left the Team
ζѻjanfo joined the Team
ְּ joined the Team
Savage! Goz joined the Team
RStyle got set to not playing by Creator Savage! Jaииi
ζѻĐmαяκ joined the Team
ζѻQ got set to not playing by Creator Savage! Jaииi
unιτ мarsט joined the Team
ρ.Jaииi&quot signed another one up for the Paragon Speedball Autumn 2021 #12
ζѻQ joined the Team
Ball.RStyle joined the Team
³ Ivan got set to not playing by Creator ρ.Jaииi&quot
³ ¬ Gै२६ॆiिु got set to not playing by Creator ρ.Jaииi&quot
IVAN joined the Team
another one got registered by Savage! Jaииi